Interview with Pearl Lynn

 Posted by at 1:01 pm on May 23, 2024
May 232024

Artist Name: Pearl Lynn
Hometown: Sudbury, Ontario

What project(s) are you currently working on?

Currently I’ve been working on building a name for myself, by working with photographers, working one on one with Wildcat Hills Records Canada to find the perfect sound for my music and working on my style. As well as trying to write some poetry so that I could work on writing my own songs.

What inspired you to pursue a career in music and when did you know?

My inspiration came purely from my childhood experiences. Just having music in my home; spending time with my mother and my sisters listening to music all the time. I knew at a very young age that I loved to sing. I never knew my passion for music would take time on the path I’m currently on but how could I not with all of the incredible talent I’ve had surrounding me my entire life such as my grandmother, my aunts and uncles, and cousins; it’s hard to not want to pursue a career in music.

If you weren’t pursuing a career in music, what would you be doing for a living?

I work as a part time bartender in Sudbury Ontario, and spend most of my days home raising my 2 young boys Dylan who’s 7 and Rylan who’s 10. I work two Karaoke nights a week at the bar. And of course I get paid to do what I love entertaining people. It’s a great way for me to express myself while working on my vocals. I do love being a bartender.

What is your favorite downtime activity?

I’d have to say my favourite downtime activity would be riding with my boyfriend on the back of his motorcycle. Just taking the time for the two of us to get on the road with the wind on my face truly makes me feel amazing. If I’m not riding, I love to just sit back and watch a movie with my family, pop some popcorn, break out all the snacks and snuggle up the 4 of us on the couch.

Who is your biggest celebrity crush?

Oh boy that’s a tough one, how do you pick just one? Well I’d have to say Adam Sandler; I absolutely adore him. I’ve loved literally everything he’s ever done and I love his goofy laugh. There’s something so great about how real his reactions are in his films and how he always films with his friends. I just truly adore him.

Who is your favorite sports team(s)?

Well I’ve never really been into sports, only ever really talk about sports when I’m talking to my dad. But, if I had to pick a team it would be the Calgary Flames from the NHL. They represent my hometown and where my dad currently lives.

What is the last movie that you watched?

The last movie I watched was Notorious.

What is the last album you listened to?

Fleetwood Mac’s “Rumours” absolutely LOVE Stevie Nicks

If you could only listen to one album for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Oh boy I’d have to go with either the Rumours album or the Blue Rodeo’s Greatest Hits Album

What is the greatest country song of all time?

Greatest country song of all time is Cover Me Up by Morgan Wallen

What has been your favorite city/town that you’ve visited out on the road?

I would have to say Kelowna BC, it’s beautiful out there and I’ve only been once in my life I’d like to go back again.

What is your favorite meal?

I can eat Chicken Caesar Salad everyday all day with a nice tiramisu for dessert and an iced tea to drink.

Who is your dream duet partner?

Stevie Nicks hands down

Who would you like to go on tour with?

I’d love me some Jelly Roll; I would love to go on tour with him

What is your ultimate career goal(s)?

My ultimate career goal is to just be able to share my music with the world. I would love to travel and provide a comfortable life for my children and grandchildren if I have any. Just to share who I am through my music is the ultimate goal.

How can fans connect with you on Social Media?

Facebook: @pearllynnmusic

Instagram:  @pearllynnmusic