Interview with Jack Grelle

 Posted by at 10:04 pm on February 18, 2020
Feb 182020

Artist Name: Jack Grelle
Hometown: St. Louis, Missouri

What Project(s) are you currently working on?

April 17 I am releasing my fourth album, ‘If Not Forever’. Very excited to get this one out into the world..currently I am finishing up booking a European tour for April and May as well as US dates for the summer and fall. The last album I released, ‘Got Dressed Up to Be Let Down’ came out in 2016… so I feel I’ve really taken my time with both the writing and production.

What inspired you to pursue a career in music and when did you know?

To be honest… I still don’t know if a career in music is for me. I find aspects of the industry to be exclusive, opportunistic and capitalistic… same time, I am drawn to more organic and community-oriented spaces to perform and artists to collaborate with. I especially appreciate publications and resources, like this one, that give opportunities to all artists regardless of their status or financial backing.. I have always loved music and started playing in middle school. Sure there was that dream of ‘making it’. However, after a decade or so of putting a lot of energy into my music and trying to get it out there, I have really found inspiration and the drive to continue to create by making genuine relationships with all kinds of people.. not just musicians but other artists, teachers, activists and organizers.

If you weren’t pursuing a career in music, what would you be doing for a living?

At the moment I am a bartender and I also work with a few carpenters in order to pay rent and keep this music thing alive. To be an independent artist is an endless hustle. I don’t see myself not having other means of income anytime soon..

What is your favorite downtime activity? 

The past few years I have spent a lot of time studying the Spanish language. It is an ever mind-expanding exercise to learn another language. I also love history and to travel (not sure if that counts as ‘downtime’).

Who is your biggest celebrity crush?

I really don’t watch any television and am out of touch with current movies and a lot of pop culture… I do admire Janelle Monáe.. I think shes rad.

Favorite Sport teams?

N/A. Not much of a sports fan…. by default being a St. Louisian I guess I should say St. Louis Cardinals. But I don’t put much energy into professional sports..

What is the last movie you watched?

Parasite. It was amazing and I was stoked to see that it won ‘Best Picture’ at the Academy Awards. The film was so well done with an important critique on class and society. Loved it

What is the last album you listened to?

I listened to two records this evening before completing this interview…. ‘Reaching for Indigo’ by Circuit des Yeux and a local album ‘Visions’ by Solid Waste.
If you could only listen to one album the rest of your life, what would it be?

That changes regularly…. today I will say ‘Fighting’ by Thin Lizzy

What is the greatest country song of all time?

whew….. uh…’Thats How I Got To Memphis’.. by Tom T Hall??

Favorite city/town you have visited on the road?

I just spent some time in Mexico. Mexico City and the southern state of Chiapas. One of the best experiences of my life. Absolutely loved it. What an incredible part of the world full of culture, history, landscapes, food and drink… hope to return soon..

Favorite Meal?
For cooking at home I have been enjoying cooking soups in a dutch oven. However eating out on the town it may be a tie for Mexican or Vietnamese..
Dream Duet Partner?

Thats a good question…Dolly.

Who would you like to go on tour with?

It would be an honor to share the same bill with John Prine. To tour with him would be icing on the cake..

What is your ultimate career goal(s)?

I would like to continue to build community and relationships with my music. I am extremely grateful for the opportunities I have been given. While doing so I would also like to raise both awareness and support for the most vulnerable communities… and be an ally in the fight for a better tomorrow. We have a lot of work to do… especially here in the US in this very moment. We all have a part to play and need to think of the whole, not just ourselves.